Since I was reorganizing my music room, I wanted to figure out how to get the most out of my shelves and also keep everything looking neat. Storage bins for cubby-type shelves are pretty common, but they only come in the sizes and patterns that they come in. If you make your own, you can make them however you want!
Plastic yard signs are an ideal material for providing the internal structure for these, and election season is a great time to collect signs that people are done with. So for this year’s Pickle Project, I’ve made a video showing you how to make these. You can make them in whatever size you need, as long as you can measure and cut rectangles.
This project is going up a few days before Election Day 2022 – don’t forget to vote!
If you enjoy this or any of the previous projects, please consider making a donation to the cycling advocacy organization of your choice.
If the YouTube embed doesn’t work, clicking the image should do the trick!